One of the most commonly asked questions we get at SPN is how to get started as SP. We decided to write this article as part of the Healthcare Simulation Week 2018 (#HcSimWeek18) to share the resources that we often send along to those that inquired about this topic.
- One of the resources that we recommend is the Health Education Australia Limited (HEAL) Simulated Patient Program. HEAL (based in Melbourne, Australia) formally trains SPs therefore is a good starting point for those who wishes to begin SP work in Australia. In addition, they also acts as an agent to get work for the SPs under their program. The course that HEAL provides is also accredited. There is a cost associated with the coursework.
- Alternatively, the best way to get started is by contacting your local medical schools/hospitals. Training is often provided especially within organisations that have their own SP program. You may want to have a look through this list of SP programs that we have compiled.
- Another resource that you may want to access is the SimEd – Simulation Education Resource Portal (Simulated Patient Resources). The SimEd is an initiative by La Trobe University and provides good resources for SP methodology, including how SPs are recruited within the university.
- If you are after a textbook that may assist in getting started as a SP, we recommend: The Simulated Patient Handbook by Fiona Dudley. Read more about the book in one of our blog entry.
At SPN, we currently do not recruit SPs. Our current focus is to provide a community of practice for SP methodology. However, our learning materials have been used by a number of organisations as part of their SP training. Membership to SPN is currently free and gives access to these learning materials. Modules M1 to M5 are usually the ones used in such trainings. Read more about the SPN learning modules.
To access our free membership, register here.
If you are currently involved as a SP, we would love to hear from you. How did you get started? What tips do you have for other individuals who wishes to get started as a SP? Write to us via our contact page.