Books on SP Methodology
Nestel, D., & Bearman, M. (2014). Simulated patient methodology: theory, evidence and practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Read more about the book here.
Dudley, F. (2012). The simulated patient handbook: a comprehensive guide for facilitators and simulated patients. Radcliffe.
Read more about the book here.
Guides for working with SPs
The Association of Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) Standards of Best Practice (SOBP)
For more information about the guide, see our blog entry here.
Windix Training Manual for Standardized Patients: How to Give Effective Feedback
This manual suggest a seven-step process to assist in the training of SPs in giving feedback to learners.
Simulated patient roles and scenarios
St John of God Health Care – Mental Health Simulation Case Studies
This page has a resource of case studies for simulated patients scenarios, for professionals working in the mental health sector.
The University of Texas Medical Branch – Office of Clinical Simulation
This site provides a detailed SP template for scenario development.
La Trobe University – Department of Pharmacy and Applied Sciences
This template is geared towards Pharmacy students.
SP-Trainer Listserve
This mailing list is maintained by the University of Washington. It provides the latest news and discussion within the SP methodology community.