I have been working as a SP for a few years now. It is very rewarding to see how we actually help in so many ways. On one occasion, I was a very mean, nasty lady and made a young girl cry. She was very emotional. I felt so mean but on the next day of a 3-day event with me, she was actually so professional. She took the lead in a simulated blue code and was amazing. She said me being so mean helped her.
On another note, you tend to remember students, and feel for them and how hard it must be. So, to be working with students you have worked with in years 1,2,3 and so on, it is gratifying to watch them grow. I met a young girl at a party one night. She came to me and said, “Hey Wendy, remember me?”
I did. She told her friends without the SP helping, she would have never been able to get through med school and she hugged me. It was so nice.
I have had such a fear of death my whole life until last year. I realised how much I love working with all the doctors and students. It was then that I decided to donate my body to students so I can continue to help them even after I die. It gave me a sense of peace.
Wendy Spencer (wspencer3@bigpond.com)